Then last Thursday Antonio came with me to the Big Apple. I had to take my last EMT test late that night and so I told him I'd take him with, we'd explore the city during the day and then head to Queens in the evening. Tonio had a great time. We walked all over Times Square, visited the King Tut exhibit there (they had his body there...it was sooooo awesome!!!!)m, ate great Italian food at a hole-in-the-wall restaurant we found, played in Central Park and then road the subways everywhere. Those were Antonio's first subway rides...he was disgusted ;)

And then this week has been spent doing lots of yard work, again tackling the kitchen and other little projects. I have been steadily trying to find a job....its not going so well. So if you know anyone who is looking for someone to do house or yard work, I'm the girl to call. I'll do anything at this point.

Hope everyone enjoys their long Memorial Day weekend!