Sorry I have been so bad about keeping y'all informed. I have been so freaking busy, I feel like barely have time to breath sometimes. So now I'll update everyone....
Part of the reason for me not keeping up on the blog was that my computer decided to crap out on me. I was computer-less for 2 weeks!!! I thought I was going to die (not really but it was a major pain in the ass!). Anyways, for 2 weeks I was on the phone constantly with Dell, trying to get someone to help me to fix the damn machine. And then finally someone came to my rescue. So now I'm up and running again and hope to stay that way after having a technician install a completely new hard drive. Then on Thursday night I was telling a friend all about my technical woes. He said he's never had a problem with Dell and usually computer problems are because of the people using them. I gave him a nasty look and he didn't say anything again the rest of the night. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that the problem has been solved;)
Anyway....I also have some very exciting news!!! I am almost a certified EMT!!!! Last Thursday I took the practical portion of the exam and passed!!! Now I just have the written exam later in May and I'll be an EMT! I am so excited. I was so nervous for the test because my classmate who took it on Monday all failed at least one station (you can fail 2 and retake them, but no more or you're out). I just kept thinking...I have done all this work and I will be so mad id I have to do it all over again! But I didn't have to redo even 1...YAY! So tonight and tomorrow I'll be on the streets in NYC riding in the ambulance and maybe I'll get to save some lives!!! So cool.
Summer is also right around the corner. I am caught in between counting down the hours, minutes and seconds till I get to go home and dreading the finals I have to take before I get a break. I always thought that was so cruel...in order to have something great like break, you have to go through test taking Hell first. GRRR! Oh well. I am just trying to make sure I'm prepared for finals and keep my chin up.
I really can't wait till summer though. I feels like I have really had no break since last summer. I'm looking forward to just taking it easy, playing with my puppy and working, so I'm not so poor next year. Although I still haven't found a job...I'm still working on it. All in all I am SSOOOO ready to relax! I was going to go to Peru, but I didn't manage to raise enough money for my trip. So for now I am saving the money in the bank and going to keep fundraising for a trip next year. I'm a little disappointed but I'm just excited to be going home. Let the summer fun come soon!
Until then however I'm still studying and going to class. Last week was my last at my job. All the kids and teachers kept asking if I was going to come back. One boy I help said, "You're never coming back?!" when I was saying goodbye to the teachers. They are so cute!
I am really proud of myself with how much i accomplished this year and am excited for the next. I can barely believe that I'm almost a sophomore in college!