Well after a week of being home...it's time to go back to the Big Apple :( As usual break wasn't long enough and my professors had a laugh at my expense by assigning essays and a midterm to study for over what used to be called "break." Jerks...
Of course being homes means its impossible to not have fun. We had lots of laughs and a party last night...the first outdoor party and bonfire of 2010! Good times. But today I have to pack. Its back to the grindstone and studying. ICHY.
I do have another visit home to look forward to. For Easter I'm free for a few days to come home... but after that no more free time to come home.
Its all good though. Spring semester has been going by very quickly. Before I know it...it'll be time for finals and then I'll get a whole summer to relax. YAY! I can't wait.
I hope everyone enjoys the nice weather and prays that it just keeps getting better. Keep me in your thoughts as chemistry is kicking my ass...I'll get through though.